


9月16日(日)、霧島市国際交流協会が主催する「国際親善レガッタ」大会が隼人新港で行われ、約70名が参加しました。本学からも2名の留学生(RIMAL BALRAM君、RAWAT RAJENDRA君)が参加。初めてヨットに乗船し、心地よい潮風を感じながら錦江湾を疾走しました。また、隼人港では地域住民、国際交流員及びヨット関係者とバーベキューを囲み、有意義な交流をすることが出来ました。

On Sunday, September 16th,  the Association of Kirishima-city International Exchange held ‘The International Friendship Regatta Race’  in Hayato new port.  Approximately 70 people participated, including two of our foreign
students, RIMAL BALRAM, and RAWAT RAJENDRA.  This was their first time on a yacht. They enjoyed sailing Kinko Bay in the fresh sea breeze.
After sailing, they had a BBQ with members of International Exchange, local people and people involved with the yacht.
Those students said, ‘My first time on a yacht was so refreshing. And it was such a wonderful experience to interact with locals and the people from all over the world.  I’d like to participate again.’
Our students had a wonderful time.  We’d like to thank everyone involved in this race.