




On Tuesday, January 8th, we had a Kagami-Biraki rice cake eating party, and 37 students participated. Kagami-Biraki (鏡開き,’Opening the Mirror’)  is a Japanese traditional ceremony of breaking and eating the ‘Kagami-Mochi’.  Kagami-mochi (鏡餅, ‘mirror rice cake’) is a New Years decoration, that usually consists of two round mochi (rice cakes), the smaller placed atop the larger, and a daidai (a Japanese bitter orange) with an attached leaf on top.  It was believed that Kagami-Mochi has the power to drive away illness.  We now eat it to pray for our health for the new year.
We ate our mochi with zenzai (sweet red bean soup). The foreign students who participated said, ‘This is the first time I ate this. It’s very delicious.’;  ‘Sweet zenzai and mochi matches well’ or ‘There’s a similar food in my country’.
We enjoyed the mochi party very much.  We wish students’ health, and that they have a wonderful year.   




