
8月27日(月)から29日(水)の間、霧島市教育委員会が主催する「KIRISHIMA GLOBAL ACTIVITY~霧島と世界を結ぶ3DAYS~」というイベント が、霧島市役所や、いちき串木野市羽島(薩摩藩英国留学生記念館)などで行われ、霧島市内の中学生25名、ALT(外国語指導助手)5名、留学生5名が参加しました。
第一工科大学の留学生は、2日目から5人(KANDEL MITRA PRASAD,KHATRI TEJINDRA,RIMAL BALRAM,RAWAT RAJENDRA,ARSHAD FARAZ)が参加し、自己紹介や文化の紹介をして、その後、霧島市周辺の名所を巡り、中学生と英語で交流しました。3日目は、いちき串木野市羽島にある薩摩藩英国留学生記念館に行き、鹿児島の歴史と偉人、文化等について学びました。
担当者からも、「留学生に参加していただきとても楽しく有意義な「KIRISHIMA GLOBAL ACTIVITY」~霧島と世界を結ぶ3DAYS~ になりました。」と感謝するお礼の言葉がありました。
ボランティアをとおして、鹿児島の歴史と偉人等に驚きながら、中学生と一緒に“生きた鹿児島” を学び、体験することができて、大変有意義で充実した活動となりました。
From Monday, August 27th, to Wednesday, August 29th, an event called ‘ KIRISHIMA GLOBAL ACTIVITY – connect Kirishima and the world’ by Kirishima city Board of Education, was performed in Kirishima city hall, SATSUMA STUDENTS MUSEUM in Hashima Ichikikushikino City. Twenty-five junior high students in Kirishima city, ALTs (assistant language teacher) and five foreign students participated in this event.
On the second day, five foreign students of our institute (KANDEL MITRA PRASAD, KHATRI TEJINDRA, RIMAL BALRAM, RAWAT RAJENDRA, ARSHAD FARAZ) participated in this event. They introduced themselves and their culture, and interacted with junior high students in English while they visited famous places around Kirishima city. On the third day, they went to SATSUMA STUDENTS MUSEUM in Hashima, Ichikikushikino City, and learned about the history and culture of Kagoshima.
The foreign students who participated said ‘We learned a lot and it was a great experience to spend time with Japanese junior high school students’. ‘We’d like to participate again next time’. Junior high students said ‘All of the foreign students were very kind to us, taught us greetings, daily conversations in English. It was fun. We are so
grateful.’ The person in charge said ‘With foreign students, this event became more meaningful and fun.’
It was a great and fun experience for our foreign students too. We’d like to thank everyone who supported or joined this event.




