第6回 外国人による日本語スピーチコンテストを開催しました


11月8日(木)、「第6回 外国人による日本語スピーチコンテスト」を本学の厚生会館で開催しました。
結果は、最優秀賞1年生 ヨウ イヨ(YANG YIYAO)さん(建築デザイン学科)、優秀賞 3年生 カク ケンウ(KUO CHIEN YU)君(建築デザイン学科)でした。
今回の、優秀者等はかごしま県民交流センターで開催される「第24回 外国人による日本語スピーチコンテスト」にチャレンジする予定です。

On Thursday, Novenber 8, we held a ‘Speech Contest in Japanese by Foreign Exchange Students’ in Kosei-Kaikan Hall on our campus.
This annual event has been held for six years, to provide an opportunity for foreign exchange students to improve their Japanese language ability by giving a speech in Japanese, and also to promote understanding by nurturing multicultural coexistence.
This year’s participants were from China, Vietnam, Taiwan and Nepal. They talked about their experiences, the difference of the cultures they’ve found, and their dreams for the future, with enthusiasm and some Kagoshima dialect.
Many people, including other fellow students, attended the event to listen to the speeches. We would like to thank especially the chairperson and members of Aira-city International Communications Association for attending this event.
The winner was YANG YIYAO, a freshman from the Architectural Design Department. The second prize winner was KUO CHIEN YU,  junior, also from the Architectural Design Department. They will participate in the speech contest in Kagoshima-city in January 2019.  We hope for their success, and we also hope that many of our foreign exchange students who did not participate this time will try next year.


