12月5日(水)伊佐市にある菱刈中学校で、鹿児島県国際交流協会が主催する「青年海外協力隊OBと留学生が先生~見える・学べる・世界の国々~」事業に、本学から自然環境工学科2年生のカンデル ミトラ プラサド(KANDEL MITRA PRASAD)君 (ネパール)が講師として招かれました。
On Tuesday December 5th, a project called ‘JOCV(Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers) Alumni and Foreign Students as Teachers’ was held by Kagoshima International Association, and our sophomore student KANDEL MITRA PRASAD of environmental department from Nepal was invited as a teacher, to Hishikari Junior High School in Isa city.
A speaker of JOCV alumna talked about her activities and experiences in Thailand.
Then, Prastad introduced himself, presented a map showing the location of Nepal and Japan to the students, and talked about the history and the culture of Nepal, and his experiences in Japan.
‘I join volunteer activities as often as possible, hoping to interact with Japanese people. Students from Hishikari junior high school said that they had fun time. So did I.’ said Prastad.
We hope this was a valuable experience for him and students.
We would like to thank Hishikari Junior High School for the wonderful time.