Daiichi Institute of Technology joined a series of webinars organized as part of Japan-Indonesian cooperation in the field of mercury management
Some faculty members at Daiichi Institute of Technology successfully presented a series of webinar, titled ‘Webinar on sharing Japan’s technologies and knowledge applicable to ASGM management in Indonesia’, which was co-organized by Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia (KHLK) and National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia (BRIN)
It was a three-part webinar facilitated by Prof Satoshi Murao aiming at an in-depth discussion of applicable technologies and methodologies for artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) and assist Indonesian Government to implement their National Action Plan which was formulated according to the Minamata Convention.
The first webinar was held on Feb. 3, 2022, where Professors Ryoji Tanaka and Takeshi Yamada shared their knowledge and methodologies of land survey.
On the second day Feb. 4, Prof Hiroshi Takashima talked about human-made strata. Prof. Murao presented on health issues arising from ASGM activities.
The final webinar on Feb. 14 featured presentations from local communities who have legal ASGM history in Japan. Also Mr. Keita Otsu introduced his method how to measure values of landscape.
DIT recognizes the critical importance of introducing appropriate technology to solve mercury related issues that affect human health and the environment, and will continue to cooperate with the Government of Japan as well as research institutions and think-tanks.

(Department of International Relations)