From Application to Enrolment

From Application to Enrolment

①Fill in and post the Admission Ticket and Application Form

  • Complete the ticket and form carefully; post them with all other documents.
  • Pay the examination fee (bank-transfer) using the slip provided.

②Receive the Admission Ticket(受験票)

The Admission Ticket (受験票) will be posted to you as soon as we have received your Application Form and Examination Fee.

③After the Entrance Examination

The following documents will be posted to you after the examination

  • Notice of Examination Result 「合格(合否)通知」
  • Information on Enrolment Procedure 「入学手続案内」 (for those who have passed)
  • Payment Slip for Tuition and Admission Fee「学納金および委託徴収金の振込用紙」(for those who have passed)


The following must be submitted/paid upon your enrolment.

  1. Information on Enrolment Procedure
    • Emergency Contacts (domestic)
    • Information on Funding「経費支弁届」
    • Pledge Declaration「誓約書」
    • Residence Information「住所届」(if applicable)
    • Dorm Application Form「学生寮申込書」(if applicable)
    • Notice of Declination of Admission「入学辞退届」(if applicable) (along with)
    • Photograph sheet
    • Payment slip
  2. Tuition and Admission Fee

⑤Change your Eligibility Status (if applicable)

Upon completion of enrolment, you will receive an Admission Permit「入学許可書」which will be posted to you at the end of February.

If you wish to change your eligibility status, visit your local Immigration Bureau with the permit. (for those who passed February and March exams, a permit will be sent upon completion of enrolment)

You cannot change your eligibility status with a Notice of Examination Result「合格通知書」

⑥First day at DIT

There is an orientation on enrollment and class registration. Please bring the following, or you will NOT receive your Student Card「学生証」and Certificate of Enrolment「在学証明書」

  • ‘Proof of Information Details in Foreign Registration’(外国人登録原票記載事項証明書)
  • Copies of both sides of your Foreign Registration Card (外国人登録証明書)
  • A copy of your passport Passport page showing photograph landing permission page with a seal of your status「留学」and period of your stay
  • Certificate of Residence「住民票」(or a copy of Residency Record 「戸口簿」, etc.)

※The list of required documents may be subject to change under certain circumstances

The following is a list of documents required for application. All the documents must be in one set and posted in the designated envelope.
Documents Notes
1.Admission Ticket(受験票)
  • complete in Japanese and attach the exam-fee payment slip
    ※attach a photograph (taken within the last 3 months) to the red-lined box of the Admission Ticket; Check that card is receipt-stamped by a bank.
2.Application Form(入学志願書)
  • Use the form provided; complete in Japanese and attach a photograph taken within the last 3 months.
3.Resume (CV)(履歴書)
  • Use the form provided; complete in Japanese.
4.Medical Examination Record(健康診断書)
  • Use the form provided; must be issued within the 3 months preceding the date of application.
5.Transcript(成績証明書)(high school in your home country)
  • must be original document issued by the high school or relevant institution whence you last graduated (if not the original, please provide a certificate of authenticity)
  • no older than 6 months from the date of issue
    ※attach a Japanese translation of the document
6.Certificate of Graduation(卒業証明書)(high school in your home country)
  • must be original document issued by the high school or relevant institution whence you last graduated (if not the original, please provide a certificate of authenticity)
  • no older than 6 months from the date of issue
    ※attach a Japanese translation of the document
7.Score Report of EJU(日本留学試験成績通知書)or JLPT(日本語能力試験認定結果書)
  • an original document showing your EJU or JLPT test results within the last 2 years.
    ※the report will be returned to you on the day of the entrance examination.
8.Note of Planned Graduation and Transcript from your language school, etc.(日本語学校等の修了(見込み)証明書及び成績証明書)
  • Required only for those who are or have been enrolled in a Japanese language school or technical school (either document must include attendance record)
9.Certificate of Foreign Registration(外国人登録済証明書)
  • also known as ‘Proof of Information Details in Foreign Registration’(外国人登録原票記載事項証明書)
    ※issued by your local city/ward/town office
10.Reference (a letter of recommendation) from your Principal (if applicable)(学校長推薦書)
  • Required only for those who are applying exclusively to Daiichi Institute of Technology, and have relevant letter from Principal of graduating school to this effect.
11.School Report (if applicable)(調査書)  
12.Entry Card (application card)
  • applicable only to those who apply for the Admissions Office Entrance Examination