International Activities
Structure to support international work
At Daiichi Institute of Technology (DIT) the International Exchange Committee coordinates the international activities, i.e., to support foreign students and to promote international cooperation.
The Committee is composed of selected faculty members and admin officers. Their discussion and orientation are streamed down to the International Exchange Center who takes care of the foreign students and to the Department of International Relations who provides international frameworks of research.
International Exchange Center
The International Exchange Committee mainly works to promote the followings.
Study abroad
Particular attention is given to the development of the students’ understanding of the international framework of scientific and engineering phenomena as well as social background and expectations. Rose Program offers students a short-term stay in UK. Also the department shares information on the international programs when appropriate.
Foreign students’ studies at DIT
DIT has the largest ratio of foreign students of any tertiary institution in Kagoshima, and the second highest number of students overall. Our foreign guests come mainly from Asia, with the largest cohorts from China, Nepal, Bangladesh and Mongolia.
Communication/interaction with foreign exchange students
The university operates a number of “circles” which enable interaction between foreign and local students. These include the Foreign Film club which promotes conversations in English, the Fishing club and many different sports including baseball, judo and basketball.
Support of life and study of foreign students in Japan
The university has a number of staff dedicated to supporting the lives and well-being of foreign students. Many activities are held throughout the year linked to Japanese historical and cultural events with information provided on a dedicated channel of Microsoft Teams. Support for accommodation and part-time employment is also provided.
Department of International Relationship
The Department of International Relations serves staff and students in terms of international affairs.

Projects and programs
DIT is working with international organizations, ministries, institutes and universities. Previous examples are shown below.
- Cooperation with Indonesia
- Joining international conference
- Christmas lecture
- Contribution to a UN document
- Cooperation with Serbia
In order to promote further international activities, the department has concluded MOUs with foreign institutions as follows.
<International organization>
Asia Institute of Technology
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Southern Leyte State University
Gadjah Mada University (Faculty of Engineering)
University of Northanpton
De La Salle University
University of Belgrade (Faculty of Chemistry)
Prof. Satoshi Murao’s visit to Tanzania
Prof. Hiroshi Takashima’s visit to Serbia
Students talk with foreign guests about energy
Prof. Satoshi Murao’s visit to Indonesia
留学生の広場 foreign students site
- ≫第16号「令和3年度の活動報告/卒業予定者紹介(令和4年3月発行)」
- ≫第15号「1月から6月までの活動報告/新入生紹介(令和3年7月発行)」
- ≫第14号「卒業予定者紹介(令和3年3月発行)」
- ≫第13号「7月から12月までの活動報告/卒業予定者紹介(令和2年1月発行)」
- ≫第12号「1月から6月までの活動報告/新入生紹介(令和元年7月発行)」
- ≫第11号「7月から12月までの活動報告/卒業予定者紹介(平成31年1月発行)」
- ≫第10号 「1月から6月までの活動報告/平成30年度新入生・編入生総勢36名
中国語版 - ≫第9号 「7月から12月までの活動報告/卒業予定者の在校生へのメッセージ
中国語版 - ≫ 第8号 「1月から6月までの活動報告/平成29年度新入生及び編入生の紹介
(平成29年7月発行) - ≫ 第7号 「7月から12月までの活動報告/卒業に向けてのメッセージ
(平成29年1月発行) - ≫ 第6号 「1月から7月までの活動報告/新入生紹介/活躍する留学生#4
(平成28年8月発行) - ≫ 第5号 「12月までの活動報告/4年生卒業に向けてのメッセージ/呉念庭くん、西武ライオンズ入団
(平成28年1月発行) - ≫ 第4号 「1月~7月までの活動報告/新入生紹介/活躍する留学生Part3
(平成27年8月発行) - ≫ 第3号 「7月~12月までの活動報告/活躍している留学生Part2/卒業する留学生message」
(平成27年1月発行) - ≫ 第2号 「1月~6月までの活動報告/新入生メッセージ/活躍する留学生」
(平成26年7月発行) - ≫ 第1号 「1年の歩み」(平成26年1月発行)